
Safe space

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In “Safe Space with Gutta" we give you permission to experience your emotions in a safe environment. Emotions you may not even know that you had.
We have political correctness on one hand, porn on the other, but where is the poetry? Gutta's poetry is boundless; it moves beyond what is right and wrong. It makes you feel.
"Safe Space with Gutta" is well-suited as an opening performance for a festival, in a cultural (music, art, literature, theater), political, queer or feminist context. Here, Gutta offers an insight into how the world truly fits together. They invite you as an audience into a deep, soft, warm, and wet state of mind in order to open all your channels—mental, physical, and emotional. In this way, we can together cross territories and expand our consciousness so that the boundaries between us dissolve. The status quo is challenged when the Guys invite you into their community of disagreement, providing you with an experience you didn't know you wanted.
"Safe Space with Gutta" was a commissioned work by Teater Innlandet for their first edition of the “Politically Correct Theater Festival '' in 2021, opening the entire festival. Since then, we have performed "Safe Space with Gutta" at the Theater Days in Lillehammer and in the Pride Box during Oslo Pride in 2022.
By and with Lærke Grøntved, Ann-Christin Kongsness, Gunda Desiree Bøgh Vaksdal, and Josephine Kylén Collins
Co-production Teater Innlandet
Light design Heidi Dalene / Yasin Gyltepe
Photo Atle Auran

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